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Tire Warranty

Our quality policy for guaranteeing customers’ safety. Hankook is constantly striving to ensure the highest quality of goods.

Replacement Warranty

  • Passenger Car/Light Truck
    • Warranty Terms

      This limited warranty applies to the original purchaser of any new tire manufactured by HANKOOK Tire and Technology bearing Department of Transportation prescribed tire identification numbers. Eligible tires shall be used on the vehicle on which they were originally installed according to the vehicle manufacturer’s or Hankook’s recommendation. This warranty applies if all following qualification requirements are met:

      • The tire was purchased after January 1, 2020.
      • The tire is a size, load rating and speed rating equal to or greater than that recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
      • The tire has not become unserviceable due to a condition listed under WHAT IS NOT COVERED.
      • The tire is 6 years from the date of manufacture or 6 years from the date of purchase, whichever benefits the customer.
    • What Is Covered And For How Long

      Should any tire covered by this limited warranty become unusable due to a workmanship or material related condition during its usable tread life (more than 2/32 nds remaining tread), Hankook will give a credit on the following conditions:

      • 1)During the first 2/32 nds of the original usable tread and one year from date of purchase: Tire will be replaced with a comparable new Hankook produced tire free of charge, including mounting and balancing charges. Applicable taxes on the new tire and cost of any other charges in connection with the replacement of the tire are required to be paid by the owner.
      • 2)After the first 2/32 nds of the original usable tread or after one year from date of purchase, whichever occurs first: The amount of the credit will be determined by multiplying the pre-determined adjustment price for the tire (excluding taxes) by the percentage of original trade depth.

      Free replacement workmanship warranty not applicable to snow tires.

    • What is not Covered

      This limited warranty does not apply to tires which are being serviced under the following conditions:

      • Originally purchased or used outside the United States of America or Puerto Rico.
      • Willful Abuse / Collision / Wreck / Fire.
      • Continued use while flat or severe under/over inflation.
      • Road Hazards including without limitation, puncture, cut, impact break, stone drill, bruise, bulge, snag, collision.
      • Premature / irregular wear due to vehicle mechanical reason.
      • Conditions resulting from without limitation, improper mounting/ demounting, under inflation, improper tire size, improper repair, defect in vehicle, abuse.
      • Ozone or weather cracking on tires over 4 years old from the date of manufacture.
      • Ride disturbance complaints after 2/32 nds tread wear or 1 year from date of purchase, whichever occurs first.
      • With tread depth of 2/32 nds or less remaining depth.
      • With the serial number cut or buffed.
      • Racing & off road use and Misapplication.
      • Loss of time or use, inconvenience or any incidental or consequential damage.
      • Used in commercial service, excluding truck & bus tires.

      Note: Consequential damage mentioned above may not apply to you based on States limitation.

    • Owner’s General Obligation

      In order to be eligible for HANKOOK’s limited warranty program, the owner must observe the following:

      • Present the tire to an authorized Hankook dealer in the United States of America or Puerto Rico.
      • Submit or present a copy of the original purchase receipt.
      • Complete and sign a Hankook Claim Form which is available at any authorized dealer.
      • End users should complete the warranty card which is available at authorized Hankook dealers for tread wear mileage warranty and mail it to Hankook Tire America Corp. (333 Commerce St. Suite, 600 Nashville, TN 37201. Attn: Technical Department) within 30 days from the date of purchase.
      • In order to take advantage of mileage warranty, you must submit tire rotation record which proves that all tires are rotated once every 7,500 miles or fewer between rotations.
      • If the tire owner abuses the tires by failing to do the following, but not limited to observing safety warnings, maintain proper inflation pressure, maintain vehicle alignment and tire rotation, expected tire performance or life may not be achieved and your safety cannot be ensured.
    • Road Hazard Warranty

      Ventus V12 evo2, S1 evo, S1 Noble2, V2 Concept2, V4 ES, V12 evo, AS
      Kinergy GT, PT, ST
      Optimo H727, H426, H725
      Dynapro HP2, AT-m(P-metric), HT(P-metric), AT2(P-metric)
      Winter i*cept evo2, evo2 suv, IZ2

      If a tire is rendered unserviceable due to a non-repairable road hazard, it must meet following guidelines:

      • Tire must be listed in eligible products for Road Hazard
      • Tire must be within first 2/32 nds of its original tread depth
      • Tire must be within one year from date of purchase. Qualifying tires will be replaced free of charge with a comparable Hankook produced tire. Adjustment procedure is prescribed in the Owner’s General Obligation section.
    • Taxes, mounting, balancing and service charges are not included. The eligible product lines for Road Hazard warranty are as follows:

      • Ventus: V12 evo2, S1 Noble2, V2 Concept2, V4 ES, V12 evo, AS
      • Kinergy: GT, PT, ST
      • Optimo: H727, H426, H725
      • Dynapro: HP2, AT-m (P-metric), HT (P-metric). AT2 (P-metric)
    • * Exclusion

      • This warranty is not applicable to Original Equipment (OE) tires.
      • Repairable punctures are not covered under this warranty.
      • Tire(s) replaced free under Road Hazard Warranty are not eligible for Road Hazard Warranty in the future.
    • Treadwear Mileage Warranty

      Hankook provides very competitive treadwear mileage Warranty as follows:

      Coverage (miles) Pattern New Remark
      100,000 Optimo H727 Replacing to H737
      90,000 KINERGY PT(H737)
      80,000 Optimo H725 Replacing to H735
      75,000 KINERGY PT(H737,V-Grade) Aug 2019 ~
      70,000 Optimo H724
      Dynapro HT(P-Metric)
      Kinergy GT(H436)
      Kinergy ST(H735)
      Replacing to H735
      65,000 Dynapro HP2(RA33)
      Ventus AS(RH07)
      60,000 Optimo H426,
      Dynapro AT2(RF11)
      50,000 Ventus H101br> Ventus S1 Noble2*
      Ventus ST**
      Kinergy 4S
      Ventus V4 ES
      Optimo H431
      Optimo H725A
      Dynapro AS(P-Metric)
      Dynapro AT(P-Metric)
      Dynapro AT-M(P-Metric)
      45,000 Ventus V2 Concept2
      40,000 Dynapro HT(LT-Metric)
      Dynapro AS(LT-Metric)
      Winter i*cept iZ2***
      30,000 Winter i*cept evo2***
      Winter i*cept evo2 SUV***

      * Ventus S1 Noble2: Over 40 series only (Not applicable to 35 series or below).
      ** Ventus ST: 24 inches and under.
      *** Additional conditions apply

      • 1)If the above eligible tire wears out (wears down to 2/32 nds remaining depth) before the warranty miles under the normal passenger use, Hankook will make an allowance for unused service toward the purchase of a new tire of the same size and type, prorated on warranted miles.
      • 2)The replacement allowance will be calculated by percentage of the warranted miles not received, multiplied to the predetermined adjustment price of the tire at the time and place of the adjustment. A mileage projection will be calculated based on average wear per 1/32 nds to calculate the remaining miles before the tire is worn out (2/32 nds remaining).
      • 3)To take advantage of this warranty, the owner shall submit warranty card within 30 days from the date of purchase, which records the purchasing and vehicle information (Warranty card must be mailed to Hankook Tire America Corp.)
      • 4)To make a claim, installation record, tire rotation record, and the removal record must all be forwarded with the claimed tire. (The cost of mounting, balance and other service charges or taxes shall be paid by the customer).
      • 5)For vehicles with a staggered fitment (different size on the front and rear axles), Hankook will cover half the number of warranted miles as the mileage warranty when the end user cannot rotate tires at least once every 7,500 miles.
      • 6)This warranty is not applicable to original equipment tires.
    • Hankook ‘30 Day Free Trial’ Plan

      Hankook is offering a 30 Day Free Trial to the following eligible tires:

      • Kinergy ST (H735)
      • Kinergy PT (H737)
      • Dynapro HP2 (RA33)
      • Dynapro AT2 (RF11)
      • Dynapro MT2 (RT05)
      • Kinergy GT (H436)
      • Ventus V12 evo2 (K120)
      • Ventus S1 Noble2 (H452)
      • Ventus V2 Concept2 (H457)
      • Dynapro AT-m (RF10 (P-Metric only))
      • Dynapro HT (RH12 (P-Metric only))

      If you are not 100% satisfied for any reason with your purchase, simply bring the tires and proof of purchase back to the place purchase within 30 days for a new set of Hankook Tires and we will take care of the rest.

    • Requirements and Limitations

      • 30 Day Free Trial only applies to 4 ~ 6 tires per vehicle (Purchases of 1 ~ 3 tires are not eligible).
      • Customer may exchange 1 ~ 4 tires from the set, for an equivalent number of the same tire or a different Hankook Tire.
      • Mounting and balancing cost are included. (Valve Stems are extra).
      • Replacement tire must be installed on original purchase Vehicle.
      • Only original purchase is covered by 30 Day Free Trial. Replacement set is not covered by 30 Day Free Trial.
      • Original purchaser must present proof of purchase.
      • Replacement must be done at original place of purchase.
      • If replacing with more expensive tire, difference is paid by Customer (including sales tax). If exchanges is less, you will be given a credit for the difference.
      • Customer is responsible for all applicable taxes.
      • Please contact Hankook Customer Service if you have any questions at 1-800-HANKOOK - option 9
    • Disclaimer

      This warranty, or any warranty stated or referred to herein, is exclusive and in lieu of any other warranty regarding the quality of Hankook tires, whether expressed or implied and remedies for breach thereof shall be limited to those specifically provided herein. Any warranty of merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose, if made, is limited in duration to the effective time period of this limited warranty.

    • Additional Information or Customer Service

      If you have any question on product warranty, please first contact your nearest Hankook Tire Dealer. For dealer information, or if your question has not been handled to your satisfaction, contact the Hankook Tire Technical Department.

      HANKOOK TIRE AMERICA CORPORATION 1-800-HANKOOK Head Office: 333 Commerce St. Suite 600 Nashville, TN 37201. For warranty information, please visit www.hankooktire.com/us or call 1-800-HANKOOK.

  • Truck/Bus
    • Warranty Terms

      This limited warranty applies to the original purchaser of any new tire manufactured by HANKOOK Tire Co., Ltd bearing Department of Transportation prescribed tire identification numbers. Eligible tires shall be used on the vehicle on which they were originally installed according to the vehicle manufacturer’s or Hankook’s recommendation. This warranty applies if all following qualification requirements are met:

      • The tire was purchased after January 1, 2018.
      • The tire is a size, load rating and speed rating equal to or greater than that recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
      • The tire has not become unserviceable due to a condition listed under WHAT IS NOT COVERED.
    • What Is Covered And For How Long

      Should any tire covered by this limited warranty become unusable due to a workmanship or material related condition during its usable tread life (more than 2/32 nds remaining tread), Hankook will give a credit on the following conditions:

      • During the first 2/32 nds of the original usable tread and one year from date of purchase: Tire will be replaced with a comparable new Hankook produced tire free of charge. Applicable taxes on the new tire and cost of mounting, balancing and any other charges in connection with the replacement of the tire are required to be paid by the owner.
      • After the first 2/32 nds of the original usable tread or after one year from date of purchase, whichever occurs first: The amount of the credit will be determined by multiplying the pre-determined adjustment price for the tire (excluding taxes) by the percentage of original tread depth remaining on the tire.
      • Free replacement workmanship warranty not applicable to snow tires.

    • What is not Covered

      This limited warranty does not apply to tires which are being serviced under the following conditions:

      • Outside of the Continental United States.
      • Willful Abuse / Collision / Wreck / Fire.
      • Continued use while flat or severe under/over inflation.
      • Road Hazards including without limitation, puncture, cut, impact break, stone drill, bruise, bulge, snag, collision.
      • Premature or irregular wear due to vehicle mechanical reason.
      • Conditions resulting from without limitation, improper mounting/demounting, under inflation, improper tire size, improper repair, defect in vehicle, abuse.
      • Ozone or weather cracking on tires over four(4) years old from the date of manufacture.
      • Ride disturbance complaints after 2/32 nds tread wear or 1 year from date of purchase, whichever occurs first.
      • With less than 2/32 nds remaining depth.
      • With the serial number cut or buffed.
      • Racing and Misapplication.
      • Tires 6 years or older from the date of manufacture or 6 years or older from the date of purchase.
      • Loss of time or use, inconvenience or any incidental or consequential damage.
    • Owner’s General Obligation

      In order to be eligible for HANKOOK’s limited warranty program, the owner must observe the following:

      • Present the tire to an authorized Hankook dealer in the Continental United States of America.
      • Submit or present a copy of the original purchase receipt.
      • Complete and sign a Hankook Claim Form which is available at any authorized dealer.
      • If the tire owner abuses the tires by failing to do the following, but not limited to observe safety warnings, maintain proper inflation pressure, maintain vehicle alignment and tire rotation, expected tire performance or life may not be achieved and your safety cannot be ensured.
    • Casing Warranty

      • Casing of Hankook steel radial truck & bus tires are warranted when tire becomes unserviceable or unretreaded due to factors within manufacturer’s condition, Hankook will provide predetermined casing allowance.
      • Casing warranty is valid through the 2nd retreads for six (6) years from the date of manufacture. (AL11, AL07+, DL11 casing warranty is valid through unlimited retreads for seven (7) years from the date of manufacture).
        * E3 wide (DL07 &TL07) casing warranty valid through the 3rd retread for six (6) years from date of manufacture.
      • Retreading allowance is warranted for some limited products besides casing policy based upon remaining casing allowance.
      • Tires used in mining & logging service are not covered under this warranty.
      • Casing & retreading allowance are as follows:
    • Casing Allowance

      1. Eligible Paterns & Sizes:

      • AL07+, AL11, & DL11
      • 295/75R22.5, 285/75R24.5, 11R22.5, 11R24.5
      Casing Allownace
      New 1st 2nd 3rd*
      130 110 90 70

      Same allowance for subsequent retreads after 3rd.

      2. Eligible Paterns & Sizes:

      • DL07, TL07
      • 445/50R22.5
      Casing Allownace
      New 1st 2nd 3rd*
      150 120 90 70

      3. Eligible Sizes:

      • 11R22.5, 11R24.5, 255/70R22.5, 275/70R22.5
      • 295/75R22.5, 315/80R22.5, 285/75R24.5
      • 385/65R22.5, 425/65R22.5, 445/65R22.5
      Casing Allownace
      New 1st 2nd 3rd*
      110 190 70 -

      4. Eligible Sizes:

      • 9.00R20, 10.00R20, 11.00R20,
      • 12.00R20 12.00R24, 10R22.5, 12R22.5
      Casing Allownace
      New 1st 2nd 3rd*
      90 80 70 -

      5. Eligible Sizes:

      • 215/75R17.5, 235/75R17.5, 8R19.5
      • 225/70R19.5, 245/70R19.5, 265/70R19.5
      Casing Allownace
      New 1st 2nd 3rd*
      60 40 30 -
    • Retreading Allowance

      Tread Depth Remaining (Inches) Total Allowance Retreaded Tires (Retread Allowance + Casing Allowance )
      More than 14/32 $45.00 + Casing Allowance
      8/32 to 14/32 $30.00 + Casing Allowance
      Less than 8/32 Casing Allowance Only

      For 19.5 inches or smaller sizes, only casing llowances warranted.
      Tires used in mining and logging service are not covered under this warranty.

    • Disclaimer

      This warranty, or any warranty stated or referred to herein, is exclusive and in lieu of any other warranty regarding the quality of Hankook tires, whether expressed or implied and remedies for breach thereof shall be limited to those specifically provided herein. Any warranty of merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose, if made, is limited in duration to the effective time period of this limited warranty.

    • Additional Information or Customer Service

      If you have any question on product warranty, please first contact your nearest Hankook Tire Dealer. For dealer information, or if your question has not been handled to your satisfaction, contact the Hankook Tire Technical Department.

      Head Office: 333 Commerce St. Suite 600 Nashville, TN 37201.
      For warranty information, please visit www.hankooktire.com/us or call 1-800-HANKOOK.

  • Special Trailer
    • Warranty Terms

      This limited warranty applies to the original purchaser of new Special Trailer (ST) tire manufactured by HANKOOK Tire and Technology bearing Department of Transportation (DOT) prescribed tire identification numbers. Eligible tires shall be used on the vehicle/equipment on which they were originally installed according to the vehicle/equipment manufacturer’s or Hankook’s recommendation. This warranty applies if all following qualification requirements are met:

      • The tire was purchased on or after January 1, 2022.
      • The tire is a size, load rating and speed rating equal to or greater than that recommended by the vehicle/equipment manufacturer.
      • The tire has not become unserviceable due to a condition listed under WHAT IS NOT COVERED.
      • The tire is within 6 years from the date of manufacture or 6 years from the date of purchase, whichever benefits the customer.
    • What Is Covered And For How Long

      Should any Hankook ST tire covered by this limited warranty become unusable due to a workmanship or material related condition during its usable tread life (more than 2/32 nds of an inch of remaining tread), Hankook will give a credit on the following conditions:

      • During the first 2/32 nds of the original usable tread and within one year from date of purchase: Tire will be replaced with a comparable new Hankook produced tire free of charge, including mounting and balancing charges. Applicable taxes on the new tire and cost of any other charges in connection with the replacement of the tire are required to be paid by the owner.
      • After the first 2/32 nds of the original usable tread or after one year from date of purchase, whichever occurs first: The amount of the credit will be determined by multiplying the then current dealer selling price for the same tire (excluding taxes) by the percentage of remaining usable tread depth, based on the original tread depth. The cost of mounting, balancing and any other service charges, fees, and applicable taxes shall be paid by the owner.
    • What is not Covered

      This limited warranty does not apply to tires which are being serviced under the following conditions:

      • Originally purchased or used outside the United States of America or Puerto Rico.
      • Willful Abuse / Collision / Wreck / Fire.
      • Continued use while flat or severe under/over inflation.
      • Road Hazards including without limitation to punctures, cuts, impact breaks, stone drills, bruises, bulges, snags, collisions, etc.
      • Premature/irregular wear due to vehicle/equipment mechanical reason and/or improper maintenance.
      • Conditions resulting from without limitation to improper mounting/demounting, under inflation, improper tire size, improper repair, defect in vehicle, abuse, improper storage.
      • Cosmetic ozone or weather cracking
      • Ozone or weather cracking on tires over 4 years old from the date of manufacture.
      • Ride disturbance complaints after 2/32 nds tread wear or 1 year from date of purchase, whichever occurs first.
      • With tread depth of 2/32 nds or less remaining depth.
      • With the serial number cut or buffed.
      • Racing & off-road use and Misapplication.
      • Loss of time or use, inconvenience or any incidental or consequential damage.

      Note: Consequential damage mentioned above may not apply to you based on States limitation.

    • Owner’s General Obligation

      In order to be eligible for HANKOOK’s limited warranty program, the owner must observe the following:

      • Present the tire to an authorized Hankook dealer in the United States of America or Puerto Rico.
      • Submit or present a copy of the original purchase receipt.
      • Sign a completed Hankook Claim Form filled by any authorized dealer
      • If the tire owner abuses the tires by failing to do the following, but not limited to, observe safety warnings, maintain proper inflation pressure, maintain vehicle alignment and tire rotation, expected tire performance or life may not be achieved and your safety cannot be ensured.
    • Disclaimer

      • This warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, and Hankook expressly disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some U.S. states and/or Canadian provinces do not allow limitations in the duration of an implied warranty, so the above may not apply to you.
      • To the extent permitted by law, Hankook disclaims liability for all consequential and incidental damages. The remedies set forth in this limited warranty are the sole and exclusive remedies for breach of warranty. Some U.S. States and/or Canadian provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from U.S. State or Canadian province to province.
      • This is the only express warranty made by Hankook. No Hankook employee, retailer, or dealer has the authority to make any warranty, representation, promise or agreement on behalf of Hankook except as expressly written in this total warranty. In observance of U.S. federal law, this warranty has been designated a “limited warranty.”
    • User Guide for ST Tires

      Hankook Special Trailer (ST) tires are designed specifically for non-driven trailer axles. Hankook Special Trailer (ST) tires are designed to maximize the performance of your utility trailers, equipment trailers, car trailers, travel trailers and much more.
      When purchasing ST tire(s) for your trailer, be sure to use the original trailer tire size or the trailer manufacturer’s recommended size for your specific application. Also, be sure that your new ST tires’ load and speed rating are at least equal to or greater than the trailer manufacturer’s recommendation.

      The recommended inflation pressures for Special Trailer (ST) tires are indicated on the trailer tire placard, certification label, or in the owner’s manual. Never set tire inflation pressures below the recommended inflation pressure found on the trailer tire placard, certification label or owner’s manual. Under inflation causes excessive heat build-up and internal structural damage that may lead to a tire failure, even at a later date. Do not exceed the maximum inflation pressure shown on tire sidewall. Over inflated tires (inflated over the maximum pressure figure molded on the tire sidewall) are more likely to be cut, punctured, or damaged by sudden impact from hitting an obstacle, such as a pothole.

      To maintain the correct pressure in Special Trailer (ST) tires, check the inflation pressure regularly with a properly calibrated pressure gauge that has an adequate range to check the tires. A dual head gauge is recommended to check dual tires. Even if it is difficult to check the inflation pressures of inside tires in dual fitments, it is imperative that these inflation pressures be checked and properly maintained because the inside dual tires are subjected to more severe operating conditions, such as:

      • Reduced air flow around the outer surface of the tire
      • Higher heat exposure due to proximity to brakes
      • Crowned road surfaces (which can cause inside dual tires to support more of the load than the outside dual tires)

      Inflation pressure enables a tire to support the load and to control the vehicle, therefore proper inflation is critical. With the correct inflation pressure, the vehicle and the tires will achieve their optimal performance. In addition to tire safety, this means tires will wear longer and optimize fuel efficiency.

      Check inflation pressure when tires are cold, that is, when the trailer has been parked for at least 3 hours or has been driven less than one mile at moderate speeds. The inflation pressure in all tires, including the spare tire and inside duals, should be checked with an accurate tire gauge at least once per month and before each trip. A best practice is to check inflation pressure each morning before driving. This includes vehicles equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). Maintaining proper inflation pressure promotes proper tire safety, maximizes fuel economy and optimizes overall tire performance.

      Never “bleed” or reduce inflation pressure when tires are hot from driving, as it is normal for pressures to increase above recommended cold pressures. If a hot tire pressure reading is at or below recommended cold inflation pressure it may be dangerously under inflated. In this case, immediately determine the cause and/or have the tire checked by a tire service professional. Significant changes in altitude or ambient temperature at which a trailer will regularly operate will result in changes in inflation pressure and will require an inflation pressure check and adjustment. When using your trailer, be sure you are within the manufacturers recommended load rating, so the tires do not become overloaded. Overloading the trailer tires can cause uneven/irregular wear to the tires and may lead to a blowout causing injury or even death.

      Inspection of your Special Trailer tires is an important function. Frequent (at least monthly) and before/after using trailer, inspection of your tires for signs of damage and their general condition is important for safety. If you observe or experience impact, impact damage, penetrations, cracks, bulges or air loss, your tires should be dismounted and inspected by an expert. Once your ST tire(s) reach 2/32 nds of an inch of tread depth, replace them, as they are worn out.

      Once your ST tire(s) reach 2/32 nds of an inch of tread depth, replace them, as they are worn out.

    • Maintenance Guide for ST Tires

      When storing your new ST tires, be sure to stack the tires flat, do not stand them up as this could create flat spots on the tire(s). If you need to store them outside, be sure they are elevated from the ground and not in direct sunlight. When storing your ST tire(s) be sure to not store them near ozone gases if possible.

      If you are storing your trailer with Hankook ST tires mounted for an extended period, be sure to store them in a cool, dry environment if possible. Also try to elevate the trailer axle(s) if possible so the tires do not deform.

    • Additional Information or Customer Service

      If you have any question on product warranty, please first contact your nearest Hankook Tire Dealer. For dealer information, or if your question has not been handled to your satisfaction, contact the Hankook Tire Technical Department.

      Head Office: 333 Commerce St. Suite 600 Nashville, TN 37201.
      For warranty information, please visit www.hankooktire.com/us or call 1-800-HANKOOK.

Original Equipment

Limited Warranty

For Original Equipment Passenger Car & Light Truck Tires including Temporary Tires.

  • What is covered and for how long.
  • What is not covered by the warranty.
  • Hankook‘s obligations.
  • Owner’s obligations.