The new standard for all-terrain tyres

Quality Guarantee
Hankook is aware that the foundation of customer trust and the growth of our company lies in the quality of our products.
Quality Management Policy
Hankook’s quality policy aims to maximise company development and customer satisfaction by always delivering the best products and services in keeping with our management principles and company vision. To achieve this, we are determined to take the following actions:
Action 1
Understand customer demands and incorporate them in our work.
Action 2
Prevent poor quality products and waste through continuous improvement.
Action 3
Establish a self-management system by strictly adhering to existing regulations.
Action 4
Grow with customers through development of new technology and creation of high value added products.
All employees should understand the company’s quality management policy and strive to do their best in their duties to build, practice, maintain, and continuously improve the quality management system.

A word from our CEO
All employees are to understand the company’s quality policy and reaffirm their commitment to building, following, maintaining, and bettering our quality management system.
President & CEO Sooil Lee