Tire Replacement - Tire Care Guide | Hankook Tire Middle East & Africa site go to main dev
Hankook Tire & Technology-Help & Support-Tire Care Guide-Replacement

Care Guide


The importance of tire replacement and how to replace tires are essential information that every driver should know. Replace tires at an appropriate time to ensure a safe and comfortable ride.

The Importance of Tire Replacement

  • Replacing tires at the right time is critical to driver safety and also affects vehicle maintenance and performance.

When to Replace a Tire

  • in case of severe tire worn out: How to check tread wear.
  • in case repair is impossible due to damage (e.g. puncture).

How to Replace a Tire

The importance of tire replacement and how to replace tires are essential information that every driver should know. Replace tires at an appropriate time to ensure a safe and comfortable ride.

  • Hankook Tire & Technology-Help & Support-Tire Care Guide-How to Replace a tire-step1

    Step 1

    Detach the tire and wheel from the vehicle.

  • Hankook Tire & Technology-Help & Support-Tire Care Guide-How to Replace a tire-step2

    Step 2

    After separating the tire and wheel, replace with a new tire.

  • Hankook Tire & Technology-Help & Support-Tire Care Guide-How to Replace a tire-step3

    Step 3

    Check tire balance.

  • Hankook Tire & Technology-Help & Support-Tire Care Guide-How to Replace a tire-step4

    Step 4

    Attach the newly attached tire and wheel to the vehicle.

Tip for Tire Replacement

  • Generally, all four tires should be replaced at the same time. However, if only two tires are replaced, the new tires should be put on the rear.
  • If only one tire is replaced, it can cause left/right tire imbalance and can have an effect on a vehicle performance.