Shares & Shareholders
Shareholder status
- Classification Institutional shareholders Individual shareholders Largest shareholder Treasury stock Total
- Number of shareholders 1,706 18,239 19 1 19,965
- Ratio 8.54% 91.35% 0.10% 0.01% 100.00%
- Number of shares 64,918,052 3,506,248 53,564,453 1,886,316 123,875,069
- Total proportion 52.41% 2.83% 43.24% 1.52% 100.00%
Classification | Number of shares | Ratio |
Korean national | 72,663,587 | 58.66% |
Foreign national | 51,211,482 | 41.34% |
Total | 123,875,069 | 100.00% |
* Treasury stocks do not carry voting rights, and Hankook Tire & Technology follows the principle of one vote per share.
* Institutional shareholders - National Pension Service holds the voting rights of 8.66%.
Name | Number of shares | Ownership percentage |
Hankook & Company Co., Ltd. | 37,995,959 | 30.67% |
Cho Yang-Rae | 7,019,903 | 5.67% |
Cho Hyun-sik | 799,241 | 0.65% |
Cho Hyun-beom | 2,561,241 | 2.07% |
Shinyang Development Co.,Ltd. | 793,522 | 2.07% |
* Hankook & Company is the holding company of Hankook Tire & Technology.
* Other affiliated persons have the ownership percentage of 3.54%.
Classification | Name | Number of shares | |
Registered executive officers | CEO | Lee Soo-Il | 5,213 |
CEO | Cho Hyun-beom | 2,561,241 | |
Outside directors | Cho Chung-hwan | 6,910 | |
Unregistered executive officers |
Chairperson | Cho Yang-Rae | 7,019,903 |
Other unregistered executive officers | 7,810 |
Voting rights exercise status
99,941,461 shares were present at the 9th regular general meeting of shareholders held on March 30, 2021, and such shares were exercised by means such H64 personal attendance, written exercise of voting rights, electronic votes, attendance by proxy holders, etc. This value amounts to 81.93% of the total number of outstanding shares with voting rights (121,988,753 shares). The number of shares present, excluding the largest shareholder and affiliated persons, is 48,940,692, which account for 40.12% of the total number of outstanding shares with voting rights (121,988,753) issued by the Company. The number of shares present to which the restriction on voting rights under Article 542-12 (4) of the Commercial Act is applied is 55,182,527, which account for 71.45% of the total number of outstanding shares with voting stocks (77,229,819 shares) issued by the Company. As a result of the vote, all the agenda in the 9th regular general meeting of shareholders were approved as the original proposal, while satisfying the resolution requirements except for the shareholder proposal, which is agenda 6-2. The detailed pros and cons of each agenda are as follows:
Proposal | Resolution classification |
Meeting purpose | Approval status |
Total number of outstanding shares with voting rights |
Number of shares whose voting rights are exercised |
Number of shares in favor (ratio %) |
Number of shares that opposed/abstained (ratio %) |
Agenda No. 1 | Ordinary resolution |
Approval of the 9th financial statements (including the statement of appropriation of retained earnings) and consolidated financial statements(Passed) | Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 91,705,444 91.76% |
91,705,444 91.76% |
Agenda No. 2 | Special resolution | A partial amendment to the Articles of Association (Passed) | Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 99,873,090 99.93% |
68,371 0.07% |
Agenda No. 3 | Ordinary |
Appointment of director | No. 3-1. Appointment of inside directors | No. 3-1-1. Appointment of Soo-Il Lee(Passed) | Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 72,185,359 72.23% |
27,756,102 27.77% |
No. 3-1-2. Appointment of Hyun-beom Cho(Passed) | Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 70,610,671 70.65% |
29,330,790 29.35% |
No. 3-1-3. Appointment of Jong-ho Park(Passed) | Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 94,969,617 95.03% |
4,971,844 4.97% |
No. 3-2. Appointment of outside directors (Hyun-myong Pyo, Young-jae Kang, Jong-gap Kim)(Passed) | Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 94,424,701 94.48% |
5,516,760 5.52% |
Agenda No. 4 | Ordinary resolution |
Appointment of Audit Committee members (Hyun-myong Pyo, Young-jae Kang, Jong-gap Kim)(Passed) | Passed | 77,229,819 | 55,182,527 | 50,689,412 91.86% |
4,493,115 8.14% |
Agenda No. 5 | Ordinary resolution |
Determination of the separate election voting method of outside directors (Outside director to become a member of the audit committee) (Appointment of multiple voters by collective ballot)(Passed) |
Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 99,833,558 99.89% |
107,903 0.11% |
Agenda No. 6 | Ordinary resolution |
Appointment of an outside director to become a member of the Audit Committee (1 person) | No. 6-1. Appointment of outside director Mi-ra Lee to become a member of the Audit Committee(Passed) | Passed | 77,229,819 | 55,182,527 | 46,456,887 84.19% |
8,725,640 15.81% |
No. 6-2. Appointment of outside director Hye-woong Lee to become a member of the Audit Committee (Shareholders' proposal)(Passed) | Passed | 77,229,819 | 55,182,527 | 8,869,954 16.07% |
46,312,573 83.93% |
Agenda No. 7 | Ordinary resolution |
Approval of outside director's executive payroll limit (1 person)(Passed) | Passed | 121,988,753 | 99,941,461 | 85,596,795 85.65% |
14,344,666 14.35% |
IR personnel and contact information
Personnel in charge: Senior Staff Lisa Choe / Email: / Main number: +82-31-5178-7000